Short extracts from press revue about Adilia ALIEVA:
Adilia Alieva — Russian, Moscow-trained - a fine pianist. She is on top of everything, with agile Fingers, a burnished sound, and a pronounced quality of excitement.
«Le Dauphine Libere» - France.
Adilia Alieva, princesse du piano: une carrière internationale exceptionnelle... Avec Adilia Alieva, rien n'est commun, la musique touche aux firmaments. Ses doigts de fée ont couru sur tous les claviers, avec douceur ou passion, jetant son public sur un autre univers, où brille le feu de son immense talent.
«Le Dauphine Libere» - France
Soutenue par un jeu perlé et détaché, par cette gestuelle caractéristique, commune et particulière à tout musicien, Adilia Alieva a exprimé toutes les émotions contenues dans les partitions choisies: une interprétation forte, puissante, ténébreuse et magnétique, parfois allant jusqu’à l’agression, une heure trente extatique d’un rapport plus que physique à la musique, quasi charnel. Une méditation harmonique d’une générosité symphonique et technique, franchement saluée par un public averti. L’artiste ressent, vit et transmet, au-delà de la simple communion auditive, non pour se faire valoir, mais pour «faire valoir l’auteur»
"Revue Musicale de Suisse Romande" – Suisse /
Adilia Alieva possède les moyens pianistiques requis pour triompher des terrifiantes difficultés semées à profusion tout au long du concerto: son tempérament de feu et sa poigne de fer font ici rnerveille, comme aussi dans un Rachmaninof nerveux et dégraissé, sans boursouflures mais non sans un lyrisme auquel Mme Alieva se montre également sensible. .. La manière qu'a Mme Alieva d'aborder Beethoven vaut le détour: tantôt bec et ongles, tantôt patte de velours, cette artiste volcanique subjugue par une présence qui en impose, un abattage à tout casser et une technique éblouissante: on ne sort pas indemne de sa cadence...
"Revue Musicale de Suisse Romande" – Suisse /
Le tandem Alieva - Proost a donc réalise ici une superbe performance discographique, et... jouent aussi bien et mieux que des vedettes commerciales engluées dans la routine.
“Kölner Stadt-Anzeiegr” – Germany
...In front of a fascinated audience there were always different sound pictures with high technique and great feelings... The interpretation was in the best traditions of Liszt, of Paganini....
«Norrköpings Tidnigar» - Sweden
There was no doubt that the fourth piano concerto by Beethoven provided the greatest surprise. The Russian pianist, Adilia Alieva, gave with her flexible and smooth play a bright and lyric interpretation. She avoided carefully to emphasis the concerto’s bravura feature. You discover her artistic vein in her relaxed, sparkling solo play, in the advanced, complicated solo cadences performed with brilliancy. That’s the way to brush up an old repertoire piece and give it back its renewal and freshness.
«Newsletter» - England
Soloist Adilia Alieva - a very powerful presence - honoured the work’s piquant mixture of irony and pathos.
«Belfast Telegraph» - England
In the piano part at one point there was a distinct «Appasionata» touch that was fascinating, but then, with a pianist of standing of Adilia Alieva, the whole performance had an appeal that must have surprised many not in tune with contemporary music.
“L’Indepèndant” - France.
Her interpretation was purely marvellous.
“Luzerner Zeitung” - Lucerne / Switzerland
The audience of the piano marathon, which took place during the weeks of the International Festival in Lucerne in I993, will certainly remember the pianist Adilia ALIEVA and her explosive interpretation, which entranced the spectators. Unusual CD “GALLO CD-707” which is full of exciting surprises. A last minute substitute, the Russian Adilia ALIEVA enabled us to admire the highest points of an original musician. What she offered us in her interpretation Etudes-Tableaux opus 33 for example, was literally ecstatic. It is not without reason that we consider ALIEVA as one of the best connoisseurs of Rachmaninov.
”Daily paper Jyllands-Posten” – Denmark
Sparks almost flew from the new Yamaha piano, when with impressive technical skills and with a surplus of musical energy, Adilia ALIEVA presented a comprehensive programme in which she demonstrated a full-blooded and varied piano play with beautiful tunes and strong romantic expression.
“Aalborg Stifstidente” – Denmark
WHAT A FANTASTIC PIANIST! The Russian pianist Adilia ALIEVA belongs to a league of formidable artists both in the pianistic and musical sense. A perfect technique and an intense physical force unite an. Her princess - like appearance and her incredible musical sense for structure and sound make the music live and grow...
“Frankfurter Allgemeine - Rhein-Main-Zeitung” – Germany
... Adilia ALIEVA is completely master of the art of “sound”...under her fingers, each individual sound seems to express something.
“Der Bund” – Switzerland
Sovereign pianist... she plays always with great musicality, deepness of expression together with explosive energy.
“Hameen Sanomat” – Finland
Behind the passionate, powerfully interpreted playing, there is obviously a purposeful, strong personality... There were shifts, timbre, power, but the elegance that could be perceived in these characteristics, was absolutely pertinent.
"Belfast Telegraph”– Belfast/England
Following the BBC’s inspired choice first recital was given by Adilia Alieva, who has a technique second to none, meeting all virtuoso requirements with confidence. All is very exciting of this brilliant performance. Balakirev was represented by three pieces of which the Spanish Serenade was a particularly attractive performance. The same composer’s Islamey was another brilliant performance and a dazzling display of keyboard fireworks and brilliant, effortless virtuosity.
“Newsletter” Belfast/England
Alieva’s compelling interpretative skills and complete command of instrument were particularly evident, perceptive in every respect and her interpretation was especially memorable.
“Diapason” Paris / France, CD « Cascavelle » VEL 3040.
* * * * * - 5 diapasons. … Avec une sonorité délicieusement granuleuse et un engagement presque passionnel, Adilia Alieva et le Quatuor Ortys transforme la découverte de ces œuvres en une attachante aventure musicale qui ne connaît aucun temps mort.